
Innovation Training

I joined innovation training in last weekend.

This is an intuitive review. In receiving the slide of using in this training, I will review the detail by seeing that slide.

■ 一日目 Day1

I understood about this course which is for generating new idea by tracing curriculum.

コース概要 Course Overview


It is very interesting way to doing training activities. I thought an activity was Ice Breaking, but that activity pointed out essential of innovative thinking. I thought that a kind of innovative way is good but if I wouldn't recognize that an activity pointed out the essential things, I couldn't get the innovative thinking from this course. I expect that he had explained essential things., I hope that I couldn't understand what Ice Breaking had pointed out essential things by my poor English.

This picture shows an Ice Breaking activity which you draw the person who is  in your right. He said Many people says sorry for my picture, when they show the picture to person in right side. His message was that " Don't hesitate to show your idea to someone when you generating innovation"

Anyway, I don't have skills of drawing...

These dice are used to select area where will borrow idea, and help to generating innovation by analogy thinking.
Black one is used to select Industry, Red one is used to select Trends, 3rd one is used to select Company.

■二日目 Day2
The course name is Business model innovation training.

コース概要 Course Overview

This course is also navigated basically, but there are more activities than Day1.


Actually, I had confirmed the meanings of each tasks in new business model creation project.
And I had been able to learn how I effectively explain the way to generate innovative idea to general people.

More description about another activities will be written in the future.